Personalised Business Form

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How to SHORT-CIRCUIT the process of "Buying a Business".

It’s a requirement that never changes. No matter what the business size - No matter what the business sector, it takes too long and it can be too stressful without the help of a professional. That's where Performance Business Sales excels, we do things differently and we get results.

Simple - In fact, it’s as easy as completing the Business Search Form below.

By answering the questions contained in this form, Performance Business Sales will help you work up what is known as a "Confidential Buyer's Profile" in order for us to target specific industries and businesses just for you.

Your experience, likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses help to determine whether a particular business is likely to suit you or not. The more your strengths correspond with the business' needs the more enjoyable and profitable your new ownership experience will be. Although some of the questions my seem irrelevant it helps us complete a more accurate "Confidential Buyer Profile" of you. Also please include any other information you feel is relevant to your requirements.

Our business cross-matching service not only includes those businesses that are already for sale, but also the hundreds of invisible businesses that we are in constant touch with, that may represent potential vendors.

We will contact you within a few working days of receiving your Buyer Search Form and arrange an obligation free meeting, at your convenience to discuss our search plan for you. For further details or assistance please contact your nominated broker representative. Also please read our Buying a Business page.

Business Search Form

Business Experience
Do you presently own a business? *
Is this your first business acquisition?
Are you interested in acquiring less than 100% ownership?
Will you be an
Are you the sole buyer/investor?
Sales Management
Computers & IT
Systems / Controls
Manual Skills
Public Relations
General Office Skills
Will you consider a 5 or 7 days per week business
Prefer work environment to be
If yes please give details
Are you currently residing in Australia? *
Please contact me to discuss your searching for a business on my behalf